Originally Posted by Chris`I
Yes I saw that. Without having the harness (yet  ), it was me being a perfectionist trying to find the best place and way to mount the bracket in that space (between the release button and plate light) to get the best view out of the back. I was constantly fiddling to mount the braket to the top (where the release button and light are) or at the back of the same area. Also swapping the way round the braket is in relation to the camera moves it forwards/backwards and up/down in that space too. I can have a proper play later when the harness is here to see what gives the best results. I am thinking in reality, they probably arent making much difference, but I was trying to get the most "view" from the camera with the least bumper being visible
Great and just the kind of input which helps everyone else. One thing I was going to add is that on my GT-R I replaced the licence plate bulbs with LED bulbs. This gave me the colour light I was looking for (more white) but also improved the night results on the camera. On all backup cameras the you get light bleeding in to the image at night but I found with the LEDs bulbs the effect was smaller.