The only way you can be certain of anything is to find out from your insurance. Read your insurance policy, most people don't but that is the details of what is covered under your policy. If you still have questions, which seems likely considering how clearly lawyers usually word things, or you are to lazy to read the damn thing you will have to call them. Anything else is speculation, the downside of course is even just asking questions can send up a red flag
but that's the chance you take.
I hadn't thought about this though so I guess I'll have to go dig my policy out and see what it says but your probably better off just paying for any damages incured yourself. Even if it's expensive, it will be cheaper for you to pay it out of pocket in the long run then after they raise your rates and you are stuck paying for it for the foreseeable future.
"At no point during your rambling, incoherent response did you ever come close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. We are all now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may god have mercy on your soul."