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Old 11-20-2010, 08:09 AM   #8 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by draper View Post
18-20 whps and lb/ft????????????????????????
did I post the wrong graph. From what I see, the interval is set at 20 on both Y-axis. The gains are less than half of that, probably around 5 - 8 hp or lb/fts.

No its not APH I dealt with and you're pretty much on the dot about the location of the tuner, I rather not speak publicly but if you're interested and want to avoid my experience do ask me privately.
I'll check out APH and see what they do. VQ 3.7 is totally different machine than the previous VQ, so a tuner with tuning these engines is a must to get respectable gains across the powerband. Don't want a tuner acting suprised during tuning sessions.
OOps! My bad.. you are right, 5-8.. Not sure what i was looking at..
I do feel your frustrations, esp since the z34 should see more gains when tuned.
IIRC, APH should have experience with tuning the 3.7, and I would imagine with VVEL, it would take some experience to get a proper tune.

My advice would be to call them, discuss all of your concerns with them and see what they have to say. If anything, they will be straight up with you and won't sling any BS your way.

-I would def suggest you post up the final results. Good or Bad, you will be helping out the community greatly and I am sure many will be thankful.

//2005 35th SB #81 [tyra] SOLD
//2006 GT PPW SOLD

Last edited by Reality; 11-20-2010 at 08:12 AM.
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