Originally Posted by samb03
I don't believe in hitting women but I will nuetralize the situation. If I have to wrap them up and hold them down till they come to thier senses and quit trying to attack me, that is that I will do. I haven't hit anybody in years. I don't start trouble with people and let most of what people say roll off my back. But my build is usually enough of a deterant for most. I have run into guys that look for the biggest guy in the room that they haven't fought just to see of they can take them. I have only met a couple of those guys, and I know what they are doing so what they say doesn't get under my skin. I don't care what size the man is if he wants to look for ttrouble and is willing to make me feel threatened I will do what I have to. This goes for all living things. I have killed dogs that growl at me if they aren't in their yard. I don't care. I don't like threats.
Well, well. I had no idea that Western Oklahoma was the new home of the intelligentsia.