Originally Posted by elm_tx
Are you Sh@@ting me? Some of the folks on this sight just amaze me. Are you saying YOU think it's right to hit a woman? I'm not saying they can't push your buttons to the point that you want to do it, but it's just flat out wrong. Maybe I'm sexist, but if a guy wants to take his chances with me, that's his problem. However with a woman, it's a safe bet I'm stronger and she's going to get hurt. It's just not the right thing to do and if you think other wise than you need to go talk to your dad and grow up.
Well, if you would stomp a guy clearly weaker than you but not a woman, then I guess you are sexist, no maybe to it.
Good? Bad? I'm not one to judge, but I will tell you that if you would hit either a guy or a girl just because they "push your buttons", you need to take a dose of your own advice. Physical violence should be reserved for sporting purposes or self-defense, and I don't care what the sex is of the person who poses a legitimate threat to me. In that sense, yes I would hit a woman, as many times and as hard as necessary to prevent damage to myself/others, if it were required. Other than that, I wouldn't hit anyone, man or woman. The last time I hit someone out of anger was in grade-school, and that's where that behavior belongs.