Originally Posted by 370zHawaii
Interesting this topic came up, I bought a base last month, no Nismos supposed to come to island until next year....LIE the stealership lied!!!! Anywho, I have about 900 miles on my Z now and was thinking about taking the couple thousand dollar loss and getting a 2011 nismo only one on island that just came in this week. I researched the cost of setting up a base to Nismo and very very $$$$ it would be much cheaper for me to just take a hit and save $$$$ in the long run. My payment calculated would go up by about $50 as well but thats at 36 months. After reading this thread, I hope to be lucky one who gets to pick it up, and yes I will use it as a DD....I dont get this whole DD thing, cars are meant to be driven I cant drive it when I am 110 so why not enjoy it while I can, I wish I could get a GTR and use it as a DD  
Update, went to stealership LIARS, I checked online in their inventory, yes 370Z Nismo in Stock!!, Called because my drive is from the top of the island to the bottom to verify they have. Salesperson response, "yes we have NEEZ MOE" would you like to schedule a test drive? My reply "yes yes please!!" Get to stealership 45 minutes later...(yes Hawaii is small takes about 45 minutes to drive from top point to bottom) .....to my surpise Nismo not in parking lot,...sales lady response "Oh you wanted a Nismo, we dont have Nismo.....but we have this nice sport package etc etc would you like to look at it....My delayed response...ummm yeah why not....thinking to myself this damn sales lady, I am going to scare her now!!! So get to test drive the Sport and with 29 miles on it I went crazy with it, unfortunately the lady tells me "now this is how this car is meant to be driven" she gets all excited and etc etc....damn you Nissan Sales LADY!!!