okay, so here's my mini write up on this whole experience.
At first there was a little hic-up in ordering my parts, but when i got in touch with them everything was handled very fast and professionally.
I got the short shifter today, and it seems to be a quality product, i do have 2 little 'problems' with it(not actual problems, just things i would like a tiny bit better[this has nothing to do with Z1])
1: The shifter seems a little 'loose' you can say while it's in gear, like if i put it in fourth it has a lot of wiggle room in gear. not the biggest issue, but i definitely miss that from the OEM spec.

this is minimal) the adjuster piece on the short-shifter(the black piece that spins freely till you pull up to adjust the height of the shifter) seems to rattle a bit, and it's quite noticeable when i shift. i'm going to try and put some type of filler(some type of foam or something) in it or something to stop it from rattling around.
all in all i'm happy with it, very easy installation, just had one little issue with the plate, but that brings me to my next part being Z1 customer service.
I called up Z1 because it wasn't letting me select 5th or 6th gear, let alone let me go into reverse. I originally spoke with a guy named joel i believe, very helpful, and when he felt that he couldnt help me with something he did the right thing and transfered me to one of the techs that were there named Spencer. They both helped me out and were
very nice and knowledgeable about what they are doing.
So after all is said and done, I thank you guys at Z1 for excellent customer service, you guys definitely have a good reputation for a reason, I look forward to doing more business with you guys.
p.s. I can't wait to get my fog light