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Old 11-17-2010, 02:27 AM   #81 (permalink)
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Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: Austin
Posts: 57
Drives: R32 GT-R
Rep Power: 15
Bardabe is on a distinguished road

Hey guys just hit 61K Miles on the car. drove it around for a bit today after work. I missed driving it around. haha. so far so good. that should put me at about 8K miles on the clutch and flywheel combo with absolutely no complaints.

aside note on the turbo kit. if you guys are willing to ship me your cars that sounds good to me. but lets see what the prototype will do on the 3.5L HR without VVL shall we? im shooting to make a street able kit that can be installed in a garage over the weekend. anyway I will start my own thread on that when the time comes and the prototype is tuned and running. I will post results.

wont be using a Garrett turbo, or a Mitsubishi turbo either
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