general comment about dealerships
i know there are some shady dealerships out there as some of you guys can swear to. but wanted to share a story on one i go to even though i didn't even buy my 370 there. they just added an express service bay for oil changes and such so i thought i would take my car by for an oil change.
since i knew they didn't carry mobil 1 i brought my own including the mobil 1 filter... anyway to the point the bill was 18.00! which included a detail..
and they gave me a pre loaded swipe card with 25.00 bucks loaded on it.
each time you need service they add 10% of your bill to the card.. i know what your thinking its a come on. but the way i look at it my next oil change is free less cost of oil and filter... sorry to be long winded.. so there are some
good dealerships out there.........