Damn it...

So I wasn't going to buy a 370z and I was going to build up my 300zx. But today my mom asked me to go to the Nissan dealership because she doesn't know jack about cars and she needs to buy a new car. So I went...
Needless to say, I ended up test driving a new Z. They didn't have any manuals with the sports package so I tested an auto with the sports package...
First off, I don't get what's so bad about the gas gauge. Everyone made a big stink about it, but I think it's perfectly fine. Also, I did notice that there wasn't too much you can see out the back window, but the blind spots weren't that much worse than my Trans Am's so I know the fish-eye lenses will be just fine.
Anyway, on to the good stuff. I was EXTREMELY comfortable sitting in the driver's seat. I would even say it was far more comfy than any Porsche or Ferrari I've been in. The seats hugged my back well and didn't show any sign that I'd be holding on in hard turns because the seat didn't grip enough.
Acceleration was good. I see what you all mean about not feeling any torque, but once the car gets up in the RPMs it does feel like it pulls well. I assume that with the new special torque converter and it's variable lock up system that the car would likely start to pull at lower RPMs with a manual. We'll see.
The sound (for a stock car) is great. It's better than my LS1 was and it's more crisp. From inside the cab, it was actually quite loud and I'm not sure if I'd like that on a long road trip, but it's no louder than my current Z. So I'm sure I'd be just fine.
I didn't play with the navi or the sound system that much, but when I heard the sound, (touring with navi obviously) it did sound like more than enough for me. The prior person that drove that car left on the station on some lame channel and I didn't feel like messing with the radio, so I shut it off.
The car was out of gas when we first left the dealership, so we stopped at a gas station. I'm used to the gas door being on the left, so pulling up to the pump and not knowing exactly how far the quarter-panel sticks out, I pulled a bit far away from the pump. LOL But that's OK. The stickers on the car showed people that I'm not retarded, just test driving.
All in all, I like the car a lot. So I told the salesman to find me a white manual z. Looks like I'm getting one. HAHA