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Old 11-15-2010, 01:54 PM   #42 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by NIZMOZ View Post
<shakes head> at the cry baby (Mr. Nash)

I guess people seem to forget that everyone who ran that convention have real full time jobs and the ZCCA is a side thing. Even though it has taken them a while, they are working on it.

Give it a break dude. Grow up. Everyone is tired of your bickering. And at least you can't close this topic like you have all of your other ones so you can have the last say even when locked. speak for everyone now? When were you appointed the spokesman for everyone at the - I must have missed the announcement.

Moving on, "dude"; most people work a real job and do this sort of thing on their own time; some of us even do many other things while working full time and support the Z community so please forgive me if I don't shed any tears for the allegedly overworked and overburdened ZCCA. No one forced ZCCA to take on the 2010 convention on their own - that was 100% their decision (more like a decree as a matter of fact). It's nice that they did but if they weren't capable of doing it without screwing a bunch of people then they shouldn't have done so. I've also said many times and in many outlets that ZCCA deserve big accolades for what went right at the convention (and a lot did go right). By the same token, they shouldn't cry or hide (nor should others cry on their behalf) when what obviously went wrong, and in some cases VERY wrong, are pointed out and questioned. Especially so when part of what went wrong continues for weeks or months after the event.

I can't help but wonder what evidence do you have that "they are working on it" - perhaps you would like to share your insight with everyone? I question that statement because were they "working on it" as you claim, this and the other threads would not exist because they would not be necessary...these issues are only still issues BECAUSE ZCCA HASN'T DONE WHAT THEY PROMISED or WHEN THEY PROMISED.

I grew up a long time ago and one of the things I learned early on is that being a person of integrity is one of the very few things that truly matter and one of the most important things you do to be a person (or an organization) of integrity is to keep your promises. ZCCA hasn't kept their promises to more than one person, including the person who started this thread who STILL DOESN'T HAVE HIS TROPHY 107 DAYS POST EVENT- if you don't like hearing that perhaps you should move one is forcing you to read, much less participate in this or any other thread.

Perhaps instead of hanging around a forum you don't support (a forum, I might add, that is dedicated to a car you don't even own); might I suggest your time would be better spent doing something other than puerile attempts at insulting me...perhaps something like asking ZCCA why it hasn't kept its promises or what you can do to help them rescue their severely tarnished reputation? It would seem to me that would be much more helpful than being an apologist for their lack of action.
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Last edited by Robert_Nash; 11-15-2010 at 02:33 PM.
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