Originally Posted by msl82
Wow, what a great insight!
Did you think of this, if not, where and whom did you hear it from..
Well its my theory, and because that is what I would do if I was in the business of selling vehicles. Keep in mind that these people want to make money. Telling you everything about the new product is not in their best interest currently because they still have old inventory. They want to make money and lots of it. The longer they have the "old" model on their lots the more money they will lose because they cannot charge full msrp for the cars.
This is only temporary, however. As soon as all of their 350z inventory is gone or close to it, they will change their tune. Then, all of a sudden they will be experts about the new model.
Car Dealers are also not the only ones that behave this way. Pretty much everyone in sales that gets commission kick backs from a sale of a product will tell you whatever necessary so it benefits "them" and not you. Unless they are a close personal friend or a family member, don't be naive to think that they EVER have your best interest at heart.