to the original post... and on an honest note.... i love the stillen front bumper... but the 3 piece is just fail.... the only time ill ever get it is if they made it one piece.... here is something to think about... poly is flexible so when someone thuds your car... it wont dent but just kinda absorb the impact and flex.... kyle is right about the bondo part... it WILL seperate no doubt about it.... the reason why is bondo dries hard like a rock... and wont flex... so when you start driving the bumper starts to get shaken and goes through vibrations boom... the poly and bondo seperates... as for epoxy sticking to poly... its a better alternative but i imagine it will seperate in the future as well... it lasts longer though cuz epoxy is a lil flexible for a little while.... but once that baby hardens like a rock also.... and your bumper flexes at that point for any lil reason.. that part will hairline crack...

the best alternative is using polyurethane filler... because its flexible and is the correct method of joining the three pieces together.. the only thing is that you need a gun and is sold in a two part tube kinda like a caulking from home depot but two canisters... the gun is needed so you can dispense it evenly and at the same time.... i recommend having a shop that does this method because the filler cost like 80 bucks for the two fillers and almost 200 for the gun... [i live on guam so i dont know if it costs cheaper in states] (this is the way i would recomend if you are absolutely hell bent on getting the bumper.... its really nice thats why

) but even then im still not sold on it when i can use this method because i think of the 3 piece bumper like a broken bone... it is never as good as a 1 piece and it has been broken already so it will always be weaker than a bone that hasnt been broken....

i hope i made sense... on a serious note and personal opinion i would stay away from it.... you gotta pay to play... get the amuse FTW