Originally Posted by kenchan
yah, on these organ pedal cars i use the side of my right foot while pressing the brake pedal. on traditional pedals i use both technies...side of my foot for light braking and blip and my actual heel on the thottle for heavy braking and blip.
imho unless you can do these acrobatics you should just stick to AT. i use it not just for turns but using engine braking assist while braking straight. it's second nature once you get the hang of it.
Why do you need to use the brake if your engine braking in a straight line? Isn't the point of engine braking to brake with the engine instead of the brakes?
I thought heel & toe was used so you are in the correct gear coming out of a turn. In which case, you don't want engine braking because it will upset the balance of the car.
You can just blip the throttle for engine braking without using brake altogether. You don't need to heel toe to enjoy a manual. It's just one of those things that separates a skilled driver from a normal daily driver.