Actually, the Gemini is the Q300's replacement. The Gemini has been around for a little over a year now. I believe the Q300 is discontinued...I'm not sure if they ever did design it for the 370. They had it for the 350Z, G35, FX35/45. I have a Q300 for my FX45. It has one large muffler through which the two pipes converge and exit. The Gemini has two smaller resinators as seen in the pictures above. The Gemini was designed to reduce raspiness that was noted by some on the VQ35 engine paired with the Q300. That problem wasn't seen with my VK45 engine. The Gemini's exhaust note is also slightly deeper and louder than the Q300.
2012 GT-R Black Edition Jet Black
2010 370Z 40th Anniversary // SOLD