well i have an update..... but its not a good one...
i have been running into alot of issues recently... and its not dealing with my car.... mainly some issues with family....

so i have to hold off on my build till idk when.... im pretty bummed out about everything happening in my life.... it even sucks more because i already started parting out

if i had known this was gonna happen then i woulda held off for a while longer...i think november is just not my month.... its just one after the other that crappy things keep happening... not to mention on top of all the other crap me and my fiance just found out that she needs a root canal and her parents pretty much said its her problem and not theres...

so there goes my down payment i saved on the side for the amuse... i almost passed out when i saw the price to get a root canal and a crown... makes me wish i was a dentist... if i did two root canals... id have a amuse kit and maybe even a cf hood....

but on the serious note... no more z love for a while....

i think i wont mention what imma think imma do on my z... until i actually bought it already... because its like other crap happens and crushes my dreams....

or like im ginxing myself..