Originally Posted by RCZ
Control boost? this is a BPV, not a wastegate. Completely different functions and mechanisms that operate with the opposite pressure. Wastegates open when a certain positive pressure is reached and bpv's open with vacuum. BPV's dont regulate anything, they just vent. Wastegates also vent, but they are bleeding air to regulate how much boost is made.
What you are talking about is wastegate flutter with an old/slow boost controller.
I didn't word my post well, I was thinking more about the fact that at part throttle in the mid rpm range, the VVEL is controlling throttle more than the throttle plates. Since a BPV releases pressure after the throttle plate has been closed on a normal FI car as opposed to the throttle body being open and VVEL controlling throttle, could this possibly cause an issue?
It is just an idea, I could just be babbling but this seemed plausible since it happens around 2-3k rpm just where VVEL is working its magic.