Originally Posted by ImportConvert
OP is claiming @ 3500/mo.
Maybe his housing allowance is being added to his income, etc.
E2? I never met an E2, but the E4's I know that are married only made around $2200/mo when they went to Iraq.
when I went to Iraq, I did my 6 months and came back with 20k single and E-2. This was in 2003
Now guys are getting married prior to leaving and coming back with about 30k in 6 months. (enlisted)
Im out now and did my time of 6 years.
If a kid is lost and confused, then join the military and save all the cash. Get out and use the GI bill for school (semi free schooling paid) and use savings accordingly.
Wish someone told me this when I was in.. at the time young stud with 20k in account. Lets just say that didn't last long. But it was fun!