Well I went to the track to day (Byron Dragway) lets just say it was a little brisk out. The temp was 32 deg when I pulled into the track, They didnt even finish getting the track ready until 11:00AM.
So as you can imagine the track was very slick, seeing how the high temp of the day only reached 45..
The total amount of runs that I had today was around 15, most of them were failed passes due to a bad launch because of how cold the track was or spinning tires from 2nd gear to 3rd again because of how cold the track was.. well most of the runs were low 13's very low, 5 of my runs were 13.2 or lower and I have the slips to prove them.....
But the most interesting time was a 12.9 run! Yes that is right a 12.9 run with exhaust bolt-ons and stock tires! Here is the slip of proof and I even bounced the rev limiter from 3rd to 4th gear, I could have reached a quicker time!
So I say today was a win for me a 12.9 Pass with street tires minimal bolt-ons and a very slick track
Enjoy the pics
