Originally Posted by Zsteve
You might be looking at some turbulent air by using a cone filter inside a square box. It looks like air will come in and flow around the cone filter too and cause some turbulance going into the filter. I dont know if that will matter much but maybe using a square filter is still best. What I would like to see see is how much air does the engine require at WOT? And how much air does said filter flow. Using my Cobb tuner deivice I got a reading of 400+G/S on my K&N drop ins. They flow more than that so Im thinking the engine is getting all it asks for.
I was thinking the same thing. I'd go with square K&N's. Things are looking good, Jordo! Have you contacted Modshack, he might be able to give you some good ideas.
Also, Cobb no longer makes the intake tubes.