Originally Posted by IDZRVIT
NOT! I didn't break my first 370Z in hard and it was never in for warranty nor did it burn oil. It was traded with 16000 miles for a 2010 roadster. The roadster will also have a normal breakin. It's amazing how some people try to out think automotive engineers who design the engines and recommend the breakin periods. Yes, you can drive the hell out a car from new and it may be ok afterwards. Or, it may not!
Oh wait! Would you go on the internet to get medical advice or listen to your doctor? Same analogy.
I personally think its amazing when people get all fussy over a sarcastic statement. (pointing at you!)
P.S the "engineers" also recommend oil change every 3500 miles even if you use synthetic in our cars...
They also recommend that we don't need oil coolers...
They also recommend that I drive naked...
wait that last one i recommended to myself
(you should take that statement seriously too)