Like cames4, I've had the Z for just over 3 months now, and am starting to push it handling-wise. I've been hesitant to take the VDC off especially with the colder temps we've been experiencing and summer tires. I will at some point under the right conditions, as I do find it to be moderately intrusive. Still, I am gaining more of an appreciation of what this car can do. I have mentioned before that I am not used to the combination of power and handling, and am back in a RWD car after a 5 year hiatus since the RX-8 was traded in.
Oh, and Mustang Steve, that exhaust sounds awesome on your GT!

Rain, snow, sleet, hail: 2009 Mazda 3 sGT HB
Everything else: 2009 370z, PW Touring 6MT