Thread: Z120bt
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Old 11-02-2010, 01:35 PM   #19 (permalink)
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The steering wheel adapter we used was made by Access Interface, I will be honest that part of the install was quite tricky, we thought we were going to have to flash the adapter but luckily my best friend manually programmed it took about 15 minutes To figure it out and get it to function correctly but it worked I was sweating though because I really wanted my steering wheel controls to still work. All buttons work like OEM even the source button which for some reason didn't work on the G35? I will get you the part number when I stop by his shop after work, I am typing from my iPhone inside my car right now and this screen strains the eyeballs

I live on the island of Oahu, a few major cities we have are Waikiki, Honolulu, Pearl City etc etc it's nice here but our winter consist of a lot of rain:/
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