Originally Posted by bdl99
Jeff, was great to meet you and glad you could see everything first hand.
Just one small point, we installed the Kenwood CMOS-200 camera, not to be confused with the older Kenwood CCD-2000 model which it replaced.
it was great to meet you too. I would like to add that Brian also treated me to 2 spicy chicken sandwiches from Wendy's, which may or may not be included in the group buy, depending on if there is enough interest.

perhaps we could include chicken nuggets .
I corrected my post above to CMOS-200. seems like i combined the names of both cameras in my head. I am going to work with Brian in the next day or two to get the DIY ready. As i said in my above post. the most time consuming part is just knowing how to remove the pieces from the interior. now that i've done it once, i feel like i could do this install in 1-2 hours from totally assembled dash, to installed camera, back to fully assembled.