Originally Posted by katillidie
well as of nissan wont tell us nor do they give reasons for the oil consumtion, but. i have asked some older 30 year master techs at nissan training about it, and it supposivly has always been a problem with nissan engines with the rings not seating correctly... with either the manufacturer of the rings or the cylinder wall surface. no body really knows except for the higher ups at nissan who wont disclose any info
Cough, cough.... forgive me, but that is pure "bovine scatology". Piston rings, especially very hard ones that are in this engine, take quite a long time to seat. Break-in period is quite long. For heavens sake people.... RELAX!! How long must this insanity continue before people will just give these engines 10K miles to properly break-in?
My engine..... 9500 miles..... oil consumption..... NIL!! Yes, it did use quite a bit of oil during the first 5 or 6 thousand miles. But now..... NOTHING. A B S O L U T E L Y N O R M A L !