Well i had to settle for a 12.896 @108.25
Thats running with the motordyne intake manifold with a rich fuel curve.
R/T .075
60 ft 2.061
330ft 5.505
1/8 8.368
MPH 88.60
1000ft 10.816
12.896 108.25
It was cold 41.6 degress @ 66 % rh and it dropped to 37.4 as the night went on.
Trackion was not good. Thank God for heated seat in our cars.
The intake pulls way harder than the stock 3.7 intake manifold.
I compared it to my other time slips and there is a big differnece in the 1/8 and 1000 ft time's, It does not have the top end charge as i lost 3 MPH on the traps. It ran rich top end. My Cobb read it at 12.3 to 11.9 A/F at the end of the 1/4 mile.
Due to the cold weather they closed the track 1 hour and 30 min sooner> i got there at 8.30 and got 4 runs in. I did not have time to let the car cool down tonight. The traction got worse as the night went on as a guy broke a rad hose on the starting line and the lane was history for the rest of the night. I do not like the other lane as im a scared of it as it loose's traction 1/2 way down the track. I spun my tires tonight in that lane.
I also could not get any 94 octane gas tonight . Had to use 91.
I tried my best tonight but the tires were spinning on me in the last 300 ft and its not a good feeling it feels like the back of the car is floating At 7100 rpm.
Track prep was not good tonight as they said it was too cold and the glue did not stick to the track.
Un less they get a warm day thats it for drag racing up here.
going to go faster next year ( if my parts ever get here ).
 12.343 @114.14 . 4.5 stroker motor is now being built. Dec 1 2015.
Last edited by Z eliminator; 10-29-2010 at 11:20 PM.