I appreciate all the great responses I got here and I had just about decided on a Garmin unit when I got an email from Escort advertising their new Passport IQ which is an integrated radar/laser detector and GPS unit. The GPS uses the same technology as Garmin (NAVTEQ). The unit is certainly pricey but this might fit the bill nicely as I have two vehicles and one detector at the moment (a Passport 9500ix).
I will be "Z-less" starting tomorrow (10/29) and my 2011 Nismo should be here in December so I've got some time before I'll need to buy anything...so...if anyone has any thoughts or if anyone buys one of these units before I will need to make a final decision, please let me know what you think!
-My Basset Hound Is Smarter Than Your Honor Student and Barack Obama -
Last edited by Robert_Nash; 10-28-2010 at 11:57 AM.