Originally Posted by Endgame
I disagree some with your comment.
1. My Z does not creak at all. The 350 creaked, but not this car.
2. The Stang and the Z06 are both as loud as the Z IMO.
The US automakers have had to step it up to remain competitive, but rest assured, cuts were made somewhere. It is just a matter of time before those Accountant cuts start to come to light.
To that point, you are 115% correct. The best car on paper is not always the best car for you. Go drive them and make the decision.
BTW, I read a technical article on the VQ37VHR and WOW, the is a lot of technoloy in that engine. Much more than the new Coyote 5.0 or Z06 engine. I also understand why the Z's engine is loud. In the same way the Honda engines go insane (in great way) when VTEC kicks in, the Z's engine goes insane when the VVEL goes into full effect at about 5000 RPM.
They did cut costs. The new mustang uses a lot the design that the '05 did. The 'vette remains majorly unchanged since '05, and Dodge. Well, I don't feel like talking about them, Chrysler stuff usually is sub-par in most "quality" categories, and the one car that wasn't, died this year.
Nissan spent money re-doing their car. Ford and GM just spent a little money re-vamping the old, except for Ford's Coyote engine, which is just the 5.0 "cammer" plus a few tweaks that has been around for over a decade.
Yes the Nissan engine has more technology. Yay for it. It also makes the least power of the 6.2L or the 5.0L, gets worse gas mileage, and isn't any more reliable than its competators.