I really don't notice what I think is drone, and I have the 12" resonators/SS mufflers. There is a "hum" if you accelerate slightly in 6th gear between 2-3k rpms. But as soon as you resume cruising it goes away. To me, this is nothing. I've had exhausts that droned across a wide rpm band, with no escape (decelerating, accelerating, downshifting, etc. still produced drone).
I get a faint vibration in the dash at times.
None of these are issues for me personally, because the exhaust sounds sooo good. An angry growl at lower rpms, a scream at 4k and above, and completely well behaved at idle.
I love this freakin thing!

Rain, snow, sleet, hail: 2009 Mazda 3 sGT HB
Everything else: 2009 370z, PW Touring 6MT