I've been playing with the idea of getting a few interior pieces CF wrapped for some time now. I replaced my Bose radio with a Kenwood nav and the Metra dash kit looked cheap and started to have surface chipping. Also, the silver plastic trim around the manual shift boot had a few scratches which appeared black against the silver piece.
I came across a thread on here by NewYorkJohn showing how he got his Metra dash plate carbon fiber wrapped by Tony at Carbon Fiber Customs. A quick email to Tony along with some pics of what I wanted wrapped and I was off and running. I sent the two pieces to him via UPS and he notified me when he needed a return label to send them back. I also Paypal'd the money to him in advance. In return, he wrapped both pieces very nicely and gave me updates with photos along the way. I'm really pleased with the end result and will be sending a few more parts to him for wrapping to compliment these two focal point pieces.
If you're interested, hit Tony up at
custom_cf@yahoo.com. I couldn't be happier with the results. Fitment was also perfect afterwards.
More pics when I get some time with my DSLR. A few iPhone shots for now including a 'before' photo.