Originally Posted by frost
I don't think you get a true feeling for quality just peering at a car, or driving it once or twice, fwiw.
And I'm not even gonna bother throwing 350s in the comparison, as I think everyone here knows about their interior quality.
Yet a lot of people who own 350's refuse to upgrade because "the performance isn't worth it" when compared to the 370. So which is it? performance, or desire to own a luxury interior?
Originally Posted by TreyUT
I agree the Z catches alot of attention. It's sexy as hell, fast as hell, and comfortable as hell for a sports car. I am very happy with my Z. Who gives a rat'z azz about any other cars. FTW and f'ck anyone that tells you otherwise.
Now only if the Z would quit catching the attention of the popos around here. 
The Z is nothing if you don't compare it to something, so how can you say it's fast, etc without "caring about any other cars?"
Just wondering. Very closed.
Originally Posted by Baddriver
I guess it's true in stock form. my main problem is stability, specially in high speed hard braking. z seems wobbly and scary at high speeds. reached 155 mph kph in the evo with no problem. I've yet to reach 140 on the z cause it's scares the hell out of me. I don't think I can ever drive it as fast.... and I can't brake as hard.
Love the z still and I won't trade it for an evo 
At what speed did you feel the Z wobbled? I took one up to about 110-120 or so and it felt fine. Where does it begin to get scary?