So, I've shopped around, gone on test drives and I've decided on the Z. I know the problems, the positives, the negatives, now it just comes down to finding the right car. I have a few months to work with, so this is not a huge concern. What I need to know about now are upgrades.
I know that on big concern with the 370z is running temperature, which is why I plan on installing an oil cooler, probably one of these:
Besides that I plan on installing a few cosmetic pieces, namely the Mines add on the the sport package spoiler and a Top Secret Front Diffuser, plus TE37s all around and probably some good brake lines
I plan on taking the car to the strip a few times a year and probably doing a NASA HPDE once or twice, what upgrades (bolt ons) would you all recommend for this kind of use, a bit of show and some spirited street driving?