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Old 10-23-2010, 11:30 AM   #14 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by m4a1mustang View Post
Make sure you try to drive around the water box and do a quick "burnout" to clear your tires of debris and/or water. You don't want to literally do a burnout, just a quick spin of the tires before you stage.
Didn't someone tell you that already bolio?? How did you do friday? I didn't go. remeber what I said for this track:

-when you do your little burnout, do it at the beginning of the box/staging area. Do not do it where you will be staging. You are trying to get debree and water off the car tires not put on your staging area.

-when staged let the clutch out until you feel it "grab" or the car want to roll

-rev a about 2,500-3,000rpm

-then on the second light, think go in your head and begin lightly releasing the clutch but dont push on the accelerator yet just rev.

-by then the car is rolling very slowly and the 3rd light begin your launch but dont slam on the acclerator, depress it slowly. if you slam it you will stay there until next year and you may throw a red. should take about 1 second maybe, if that gives you an idea of how fast to do it.

-then just run the car up to red cuz we make power all the way up to it and shift fast
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