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Old 10-23-2010, 07:14 AM   #1 (permalink)
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Join Date: Oct 2010
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ben721364 is on a distinguished road
Default I made a mistake.

Yesterday I "joined" this forum. I did so because I am thinking that a 370Z might be the car that I want to try next and because I have an equally desirable car that someone here might like to trade for.

I found no "trade" sub-forum and decided to post an exploratory note in the "for sale" section. Wow! That was a mistake, as witnessed by the responses! I have participated in several forums and prior to this not found one with such a restrictive policy. I know. I know. Another mistake on my part was to assume the rules here were essentially the same. I guess that I will go elsewhere to gauge interest in trading a 370Z Touring coupe for a nicely accessorized red 2008 Mercedes Benz SLK retractable HT with 7-speed automatic transmission. In the interest of saving forum band width, I will supply pictures, etc. to anyone who might be interested.

Best wishes to y'all.
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