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Old 10-20-2010, 11:40 PM   #109 (permalink)
A True Z Fanatic
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The thing I think a lot of the people are missing in this thread (tbh I only read the last few pages) is that the large majority of people consider driving a huge chore.

Most of my friends who are not big into cars don't care what they drive as long as it is "safe" and gets them from point A to B. If given the choice, they would probably automate the entire process in a heartbeat.

The "nannies" that we are seeing are just a result of that. I don't really think anyone is realistically going into a car with a "lane departure warning" or a "holy **** you're tired" thing and thinking that they are perfectly safe. I think most people jump for these things because it makes them think their car is "safer."

F*cked up as it may be, this is the mentality that bothers me the most in modern society. Let the government or some large corporation do the thinking for the sheep. Take the responsibility off of the consumer, as we assume that he/she is lowest common denominator. And our academic institutions should lower their standards, and the driving test shouldn't be hard, because you know, morons need to graduate/drive, too.
What we really need to do is completely model ourselves after Finland in that department. Until kids learn to power slide during driving class, we aren't doing it right.

Problem is, we live in a politically correct society and people start yelling at you as though you're the next hitler every time you mention something that excludes people who are less intelligent or less enabled.
Godwin aide, that's because exclusion can quickly become a dangerous game.

But what can we expect from a society that cannot control it's own drunk driving problem?
As long as we live in a society that glorifies drinking (and to some cases, drinking and driving), this will continue.
nuTinmuch! -- Platinum Graphite 370Z -- Check out my Gallery thread here!

Last edited by nuTinmuch; 10-20-2010 at 11:44 PM.
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