Originally Posted by nicknick
Unfortunately, you have missed my point. I am not saying the Porsche is not good, I am saying you are paying too much for it, I believe the price is overinflated. You do the sums, the 370 has, what, at least 95% of the performance of the cayman, yet it is priced, what, at approx 60% of its price. Granted the 370 may have some NHV issues, but when I drove one I thought it was smooth as.
heres a lil secret. all car prices are over-inflated. if u had true knowledge of actual build cost of automated built vehicles . you would be complaining every car is overpriced. the porsche is semi-hand built. the suspension components are leagues more advanced. thematerials cost more, making it a way more precise car. the z is awesome but there are big differences between nissan and porsche .and yes, it shows in overall performance .
drive the cayman, dont just read mags.