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Old 05-24-2009, 10:23 AM   #5 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by zero View Post
Welcome to the white/persimmon club. I love mine.
It happened to work out very well. We were also close on the PG exterior, until we realized that the Japanese "titanium" in a lot of the original high-rez pix was a different color (with brown overtones).

Pearl white seems exceptionally good under night lighting, though I haven't paid as much attention to the other available colors in that setting. Perhaps because of the side sculpting, the white seems amorphous -- almost like a ghost slipping away. It's classic high-visibility without shouting the need to be seen, like several of the brighter colors.

The persimmon adds dimension and detail to the inside, in a way that grey or black suede can't. It's inviting, not forbidding.

I don't think anyone else should go for this combination, though. It's best being rare -- if a hundred 370Zs show up at a meet, it would be perfectly understandable if the majority are grey or black, with maybe a half dozen each of the red, blue and yellow. White should be the one that NOBODY gets.
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