Third Gear Performance Presents a LED PACKAGE
We all know that Nissan uses weak lighting for there cars to cut on cost. So we at Third Gear Performance are here to introduce a LED package to fit all needs. Currently we will be replacing your Map Light and Trunk Light as the Stage 1 Package. Stage 2 Packaging include the Map Light, Trunk Light, and License Plate Light.
You'll Receive:
Stage 1---
3 x T10 Wedge 5050 Panel Board
Colors: Super White or Blue
Stage 2---
3 x T10 Wedge 5050 Panel Board
2 x T10/194 Wedge 5050- 5SMD LED
Colors: Super White or Blue
These are the brightest SMD LED bulbs on the market.
Upgrade your Map Lights to JD-Lighting High Intensity 5W to any of these colors White, Red, Blue, or Yellow.
These will only fit the Map/Dome lights in the front.
JD-Lighting is the frontier runner of High Intensity LEDs that revolutionize the market of LED. These are guaranteed the Brightest LED on the market.
370z Member Pricing:
Stage 1 Kit: $45 Shipped Within the USA!
Stage 2 Kit: $60 Shipped Within the USA!
Upgrades to Stage 1 or 2 Kit: add $20 Shipped Within the USA!
Stage 1 Photos
Dome/Map Lights
Trunk Light
Stage 2
License Plate Light
JD-Lighting Difference is
2x brighter then our 5050 SMD Panel. These will blind you.
More Photos are Available on request!!
***Big thanks to CCastro (Christian) for the Photos and the Test Vehicle! ***