So, am i stupid, or is the front license plate bracket design stupid? I fits nice and flush to the nose... until I insert the plastic clip things that hold the nuts to attach the plate. There is not enough clearance, and it causes the bracket to separate from the nose of the car. Am I doing something wrong? I tried turning the nut holder clips around so the nuts are in front of the bracket... now the plate is 1/4 inch from the bracket, flappin' in the breeze.
So, I taped 6mm nuts behind the bracket, and all is well...barely enough clearance, and the bracket is flush to the nose again. But should I have to re-engineer this thing? What was Nissan thinking?
Glad to be rid of the temp tag, though!
EDIT: Oops, I really did use the search tool before I posted, but the answer was here:
DIY: Front license plate bracket Install
Yup, the bracket design is stupid. Unbelievable!