Originally Posted by memorylasts
Well, I have been sick all week and my Strobist setup finally showed on Wednesday all I could do was sit and look at it, so finally on Saturday night I was still feeling like crap but I couldn't wait. I told ilive2win on Thursday I wouldn't be able to shoot I am glad I did, I wasn't able to stay for more then a half hour which really killed me... but I did pull off one! Ugh colds suck!
C&C welcome.
Gear used
2x - 430EXII(wireless triggering via PW)
2x - 8' Light stands
Canon 50D w/ 50mm 1.4
Dirty car was also used, maybe hard to believe. I couldn't believe it either.
2. Re-edit also found down a couple posts
Nice shot! IMHO, it would have been better in HDR.