This was originally posted by Smartbomb. It may already be in this thread, but I'm reposting it as a refresher. A top-notch cooling kit is coming out from Nissan, so be patient. Those seeking other cars, that's your opinion of course, but just hold on, and you'll be just fine.
Oh, to talk to the Quality Specialist at Nissan, I just did what everyone else does. Call CS, take the car to the dealer, talk to my regional CS to diagnose my problem, then wallah! They'll ask you to take them out on the street, and try to hit limp mode. If you can't, you're not hurting the motor or it's Ester Oil at all. Sorry, I didn't post earlier. I've been gone. After reading this above article, for me, this issue is closed. If I race, I'll need an oil cooler. Should Nissan have offered this on it's release... Yes. Are our cars going to have a short life? Absolutely not. Racing= oil and possibly a diff cooler. Hard street driving? Good luck hurting the car. Future owners: this will pretty much be a non-issue when the cooler comes out which is very shortly. (I like the last sentence of the article.)
Okay, I just got off the phone with my Quality Control specialist. He doesn't know the exact temp of the max thermostat's setting on the Nissan Motorsports cooler, but for anyone who doesn't know what that thermostat is for here's the explanation. (For those of you who know, sorry for dumbing this down.) When you are easy on your motor, cruising, traffic & such, you don't want your oil too cool. A normal cooler would just continuously cool the oil that's circulating through the motor. So if you're cruising, if the cooler is powerful enough, it may only have you sitting at like 140-170 which is not healthy for the motor. (Mine sits between 205-235 all of the time, without any spirited driving, even in 90-degree temps. I even let it sit idling with the air running for 15 minutes, and the temperature came back down to 205. FYI) In this case, the thermostat would know, and shut that cooler off. If the oil temp starts popping over it's recommended operating temperatures while racing the motor, etc. the cooler will turn itself on and try to keep those temperatures in check.
Last edited by TheWeatherman; 05-22-2009 at 12:01 PM.