Ok guys, i took my tail lights off my car yesterday again and wet sanded again with 2000 grit and to finish it off i used Maguires ultimate compound. No more flat looking lights they actually look better now
the matte look was cool but they do look better all shiny.
EDIT added instructions...
you gotta remove your tail lights from your car.
1. Wet sand with dishwasher soap and a 2000 grit paper.
2. Rinse your lights with clear water
3. Clean/Wipe with a microfiber cloth/rag and make sure you dont leave any fingerprints.
4. Wait 5-10min to be completely dry (double check for fingerprints)
5. Spray 2 light coats of VHT... spray your 1st coat and wait 5min for the second coat.
6. Wait 10min and add 2-5 coats of clear
7. Let it dry for 6 hours or 2 days like me lol
8. Wet sand again with dishwasher soap and 2000 grit, very light sanding you only wanna take the imperfections out not your clear coat.
9. Rinse once again and let it dry for a few minutes.
10. Poor some rubbing compound on your lights, with a soft clean microfiber rag buff the s**t out keep buffing till you get that glossy miror look.
11. Wipe the compound off and put them back on your Z
btw i didnt use the flash on the cam just to show you guys how it really looks...