Originally Posted by simota1
i have the biggest  moment... so i waited like 20 minutes in the line of the post office... only to realize that the addresses were backwards HUGE  .. the postman was like so your sending it to guam? im like No? his like well you got all of the addresses backwards... its a DAMN good thing i didnt just drop it to box because alota issues woulda been happening.... anyways i came up with a quick fix... i bought a packet of white labels which my secretary is typing out all the addresses and ill just stick it on to make a switch... saves all those stamps i put on the letters too and the envelopes... my fiance owes me a mod... im so mad at her LOL she even was so confident... i was like are you sure you write it like that? shes like HULLO i wouldnt tell you to do it like that if i was wrong!!! 
HAHAHA ung friend ko did the same thing. He was sending pampers to his brothers wife and it came back to him twice. He was getting so pissed wondering why it keeps coming back then he showed it to me and i told him the addresses were backwards.