Originally Posted by OWSIU
I think you might be thinking "smooth" is referring to the appearance of the paint, but here "smooth" is used to describe the texture of the paint. Polishing and waxing isn't going to remove the bonded contaminants. I do agree that polishing with a cutting pad will to some degree smooth the paint surface as it removes a thin layer of paint.
OP, as you are claying, use a good amount of lube and continue until you feel the clay is siding very easily. Also most of the time, the sound will change as you clay the surface, it will start out sounding very scratchy (depending how bad it is) and progressively get quieter until it goes it away. Follow up a polish and always wax or seal the paint after you clay since claying will remove the existing protectant. And always, make sure the car is washed thoroughly before you start claying.
That is exactly what I did and experienced, yet the pair doesn't feel smooth at all to the touch. It is really weird. I washed throughly before flaying the whole car. I don't know. Was I supposed to press really hard when claying? Everything I read said no.