I, for one, have not yet learned the various nuances of the 5.0 vs. the Z. I will keep reading until two or more of the following happen:
I learn what a live axel is, and what do I feed it to keep it that way?
I learn if it is true that a 5.0 traveling at the legal speed limit on a gentle curve will crash into the guard rail.
I determine which car is faster in reverse (unmodded of course)
I become deeply familiar with the seats of each car, to the point where I can spout off statistics about bolstering, comfort, and head rest positioning
I am convinced to buy a Mustang (although the magazine article has ordered my to buy a 4-door consumer grade mercedes at my age)
Fearless Leader AK is convinced to buy a Mustang, renaming the forum "theformerly370zdotcomnowthesuperiorMustang5point0. com"