Originally Posted by Lug
Wind power is much better......IF you live in the right place.
Brace yourself. Environmentalists (and people who live near wind farms) are putting an end to the concept of major wind farms. That's why, for a time recently, you heard the proposal to site wind farms offshore, out in the ocean.
Problem #1 -- Aesthetics. You're taking wilderness and/or beautiful countryside, stripping it naked of all natural tree life (clear-cutting to the extreme), and filling it with ugly metal towers. The construction itself creates a major greenhouse gas deficit.
Problem #2 -- Ultra-low frequency harmonics. Windmills go whump-whump-whump-whump constantly. When you've got a few hundred of them going whump-whump-whump-whump constantly, day after day, month after month, year after year, you drive away wildlife and make people within five miles of the installation go psycho. It's a big noise issue. Health as well as environmental interests are at work.
But how about waste-to-energy? You don't hear much about it because the waste management companies don't want you to hear much about it. But, if you use the WastAway system to process the garbage first, it's clean. It saves landfill space. It doesn't stink (as garbage incineration does). And it only takes three to five years to go through the permitting process and construction.