Alrighty, well you've all given me alot of info, some more slap-stick then I thought I was going to get but it's all for a good cause. Again, didn't mean to ruffle anyone's feathers about comparing the two cars, as even I with as little knowledge as I have can openly tell these cars are in different leagues. They were just the two options I was currently looking at.
I'm not looking to get into his Honda club. Don't get me wrong they're nice people and all, but I want my car to be for me, not to please someone else. And the 370Z looks and sounds like it's going to be that car for me.
Yeah, no family yet, but when I do the Civic will still be around to buy to take the kids to soccer practice or whatever they're into, if their mother isn't doing that while I race around in my Z. (Just kidding I wouldn't do that to her.)
Again, thanks for all the immediate responses, I had no idea I would get this many this fast, glad to see a very active board. And supportive if not a little tongue and cheek depending on what you ask, heh. It's all good though. I think I've found my new home when I get home in a 370Z.
When were you in Afghanistan and what branch? If you don't mind me asking.