Sorry if this is not in the right place.
I have read on here that some people use mobile 1 synthetic OIL...
I just saw this ad; maybe ppl can make use of it.
Mobil1 Synthetic Motor Oil (5 qt.) and Mobil1 Filter for $29.99 at Auto Zone
Mobil1 Synthetic Motor Oil (5 qt.) and Mobil1 Filter for $29.99 at Auto Zone
Valid from Sep. 21,2010 - October 18,2010 (B&M only)
Get 5 QTS. MOBIL 1 SYNTHETIC MOTOR OIL & MOBIL 1 OIL FILTER for $29.99 (any grade)
Cheapest price anywhere!!!
Also, if your interested int getting the Mobil 1 Extended Performance or High Mileage, I think they are a little more, so they come out either $33/$35 with free Mobil1 Filter.
If you don't want synthetic oil, they also have Mobil Clean 5000 (5 qt.) w/ free filter for 13.99.