First off Thank you Socal 370.
So I have never changed the oil on one of my cars, never had the need to. But I decided to do it in this, which almost ended in me breaking something.
I took pics, so if there are other out there like me, who have never done this, hopefully it can help them.
First off, READ INSTRUCTIONS!!! if it says 5 1/8 quarts do that, not 6.
so some tools:
some rhino ramps, these things suck. they slipped in my garage and had to do everything outside. Mind you it was a nice rainy day.
Oil and filter, and crush washer. I got the washer from nissan, as no other store seemed to carry it.
So first step take of the bottom plate. Its a pain but nothing to worry about. The three pins in the center pull out, so with your nail just pull them out, and you can remove the plate.

Pic of the clip. (My camera sucks)
Once this is done, you need to drain the oil. You can see the oil filter and the drain pan screw right next to it.
The oil filter was welded on, and the tool I bought was not meant for it, so I ended up using the screwdriver through the filter trick. (the engine was hot, so that did not help)
The cap of the engine to pour the oil can be seen here:
remove the old crush washer with a knife and put the new one on the screw, make sure to clean it off
then just put the filter back on, and the screw back in, make sure its all tight, and begin to pour the oil.
once done run engine and make sure its all good, and bolt the bottom plate back on, remember to put he three pins back.
then just set your computer to warn you when your next change will be required:
so yeah there it is. Not very painful, and if you do your homework first it will be painless.
Hope this helps someone here.