Hi all,
I'm posting here as well as on the FI exhaust thread for some feedback. This morning (cold, rainy) the Z threw a SES light, 3 days after I installed the Fast Intentions cat back. I bought a scanner, and code P0300 came up (random/multiple cylinder misfire). The car is running fine, although the idle is at 1100 rpms. I erased the code, and it did not re-appear after one start up.
Any thoughts what could cause this? I want to make sure I didn't do something to trigger this while doing the exhaust install before taking it to the dealer (car has 6000 miles on it).
The only other mod on the car is K&N drop-in filters.

Rain, snow, sleet, hail: 2009 Mazda 3 sGT HB
Everything else: 2009 370z, PW Touring 6MT